Were it easy to be content, purely content, our small corner of the world and simple pleasures would suffice. But, the nature of mind is not at rest, hence the horizon beckons me to wander; not so much in search of any particular destination, but simply to seek after new experiences just to dull the doldrums of the cycle of day and night. Long have I accustomed myself to the sparse comforts and adventures of travel… never remaining to linger too long in any locale; to stay or to go? Each has its own rewards. In the end, we must concede the limitations of our existence, knowing we can never reconcile the dichotomy — and so one is ever trapped to the contradiction of being a stranger at “home”, and adopting temporarily as home new strange lands.
But the world is wondrous. We are so small and our time so limited, why not seize the possibilities before us? For years, I’d the spiritual landscape of the high Colorado plateau; visit the temples of ancient Mayan Yucatan, wander through Eastern Europe, etc. Fortune for once lends a favorable turn and I’m manage to secure an inexpensive ticket. Considering my relatively lax work schedule, it is an opportunity not to be passed. The next 7 months will be filled with new vistas and experiences; offering the new, and yet, appeasing with the old comfort of being on the lonesome road into the unknown once again.
March 7 – 13, 2014 Grand Circle tour of the Colorado Plateau
March 17 – 25, 2014 Yucatan Mexico to see some Mayan ruins, especially Chichen Itza on the Spring Equinox.
March 26 – April 3, 2014 The Big Apple yearly swing.
April 4 – October 17, 2014 London to kick off Eastern Europe tour.