The Grandeur and Awe of Abu Simbel

3,300 years old and legacy of Ramses II, Abu Simbel stands alone in grandeur.
3,300 years old and legacy of Ramses II, Abu Simbel stands alone in grandeur.
Opposite view of the faces of Ramses II under perfect light.
Opposite view of the faces of Ramses II under perfect light.
Glyphs adorning the entrance of the Temple.
Glyphs adorning the entrance of the Temple.
Glyphs showing Ramses subduing Nubia.
Glyphs showing Ramses subduing Nubia.
Massive statues of Ramses guarding the corridor.
Massive statues of Ramses guarding the corridor.
Exploring the temple complex.
Exploring the temple complex.

Ventures into Nubia

Egyptian men lounging in the shade to escape the heat.
Egyptian men lounging in the shade to escape the heat.
Glyphs inside the inner santum of Philae.
Glyphs inside the inner santum of Philae.
Onward to the main gate and back in time.
Onward to the main gate and back in time.
Courtyard of the Philae Temple stretching through the centuries.
Courtyard of the Philae Temple stretching through the centuries.