The splendor of it all…

Pleasant surprises abound in life. The unexpected and natural beauty that jut from the mundane trappings are those we hold dear most. Today was a prime example of such, as on a lark, I staid one more day in Flores, Guatemala, only to encounter one of the most beautiful moments of this trip. Words are rendered inept in all such encounters; so, suffice to say that I meandered the town of Santa Elena outside of Flores today looking for a bank, and got lost briefly in the ugly surroundings. When I finally returned, I opted to walk the 3 km distance, pass the shack building store fronts, tuk-tuks, and traffic… slowly working my way towards the bridge that led to Flores. In an instance, I stopped in my tracks when I spotted the perfect spot to idle for 2 hours. In life such moments will be few, one can’t be blamed for losing all sense of purpose when granted such splendor before the eyes…

Wow... just wow.
Wow... just wow.