Heading south

Having arrived at Petosi this morning via an extended night bus, I, along with an Israeli traveler, decided to stay and explore the city as the situation with with the bus strike is uncertain, and there is reported no water in Uyuni. I settled to explore the town today, and then visit the famed cooperative mines tomorrow before heading to Sucre.  The salt flats can wait a couple days.

Wandering the town early in the morning seeking lodging for the night.

By the looks of the bus terminal, this city didn’t seem like much to write about. However, once afoot and winding through the streets of town, a whole new appreciation presented itself. For a better part of the morning, I lost myself wandering through the narrow warrens of the city, all the while admiring all the colorful portals along the way.

One of the many varicolored doors of Potosi.

As it turns out, the local governor was having a political campaign rally and throngs of supporters followed his entourage, at once playing loud music, waving flags, and showering him with confetti. Myself and the Israeli happened on the scene and was crowded into the parade. Soon, some of the supporters handed us flags and we too began to chant along to what seemed like a happy celebration. The local women looked on and laughed at the crazy tourists partaking in their politics. It was only later on when a local middle age man pull us aside and told us “Put those away, you don’t know what’s happening” that we came to our sense.  However, it was still a lot of fun. I have no idea who or what ideology I was lending support to. Such is the crazy adventures of random wandering.

Beautiful townswomen vending. Those taste worst than then look.